Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Arrivederci Venezia!!

Ci ricorderemo di Lei sempre...we will alway remeber...


Crusise ship in between Islands - full of tourist

Giorgio the glassblower who made me a glass ring!!

Items in Giorgios stores - which can also be found in Barney NYC!!
I didn't know he was famous when I asked him to made me a ring in my size...ooops!

Nadine sitting in the gallery door way

reflection in a puddle from the rising water

The entry way of the school/church

Inside of the church/school that allowed Foxy in.

A view from Rialto bridge

A store we bought hand made Cameo draw pulls of Murano glass. We only could afford 2.

Foxy's new friend Zora who made the pulls and owns the store. Her store & merchandise was also featured in Architural Digest

We tried on lots of masks!


Anonymous said...

I wish I would have paid more attention to the glass rings we saw at the airport in Florence, I bet they were from the same area.
Anxious to see your pulls, where are you using them? Mom

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

We are maybe going to put the pulls on the built in hutch at the house in mpls or when we build the new bathroom down stairs. They are really nice and Joe is happy with them but not with my expensive taste.