Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Bus...

The bus is my major form of transportation in Brussels. The other day I was coming home from the gym on the bus. I got up from my seat to get ready to push the button to get off at the next stop…when I felt this thump and then a huge load of weight on my right shoulder. Thinking it was just someone pushing in to me I took one step to the left, this started a very bad chain reaction. (For those who don’t know me, I’m petite person so it felt like I had at least 70 pounds on me – I don’t even weigh 100 pounds)

The heavy load on my shoulder was a man’s head…he passed out behind me and I was holding him up. When I moved he fell forwards and hit his fore head on a step then bounced back to hit the back of his head on the step behind him. It all happened so fast that I couldn’t react fast enough to catch him. Then in my best French I was yelling at the driver to stop because a man just fell, while everyone else was just standing there doing nothing. The bus driver didn’t even get out of his seat…Finally the man came to and the driver asked him if he wanted an ambulance. A good person gave up there seat for him and he sat with his hands holding his head. I have never felt so bad about anything in my life...

Let’s just say I never want to go though that again…not to mention never pass out on a bus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you at least tried to get help for the man. Hard to believe the people seated didn't try to catch him when they saw him slump over.Mom